I am a Data enthusiast. My passion is to identify the actionable information from noisy data that can bolster the business needs. My fascination is always about the beautiful human mind and learning about it will be my life-time project. I run in my free time. Follow me on Strava!
PGP fingerprint C3F4 A8A7 620A 9056 915B FDE0 C649 D585 83A6 936A
I work as a growth Data engineer to gather customer experiences in digital products that provides sound recommendations to Product Marketing/Management and Customer Success stakeholders
May 2019My primary works involves in large scale data migrations, Optimizing and evaluating replication and migration tools for our customers to undergo Zero down time migrations.
October 2017I am pursing my degree yet at CMU with focus in Data Science and analytics. I am graduating in May 2017.
May. 2017As a Software Engineer, I developed in-house tools for the company. I developed a tool which allows user to configure Spark jobs in YAML from a user friendly interface.
May. 2016As an Assistant Systems Engineer, I individualy handles large scale ETL projects integrating between in-house applications of a retailer to a third party cloud CRM.
Jun. 2013I graduated from SRM University on May 2013 with Bachelors in Information Technology
Jul. 2013Databases
Machine Learning/ Algorithms
OS and Networking
Distributed Systems
Web App & API Dev
EDA & Data Viz